Safety On Two Wheels
Whether on two wheels, four or more, it’s everyone’s responsibility to stay focused and follow road laws to protect cyclists.
More often than not, cyclists and drivers end up on the same roads where tension—and collisions—may occur.
Here’s how cyclists can stay well equipped for a safe ride:
To ensure the right fit, follow the 2-V-1 rule. The helmet rim should sit two finger widths above the eyebrows. Ensure the straps form a V under the ears. One finger should fit between the chin and chin strap.
Bicycles need a working bell or horn to alert other cyclists when you’re approaching or attempting to pass. But don’t assume a bell is loud enough to alert cars of your presence.
All bikes must be illuminated for rides at night and on rainy or foggy days. Attach a white light to the handlebars or the front of the frame and add a red rear light and reflector.
Wear proper running or cycling shoes, along with fitted pants that won’t get caught in the chain.
Stay safe!
It’s everyone’s responsibility to stay focused and follow road laws to protect cyclists.

Tow truck drivers help us when needed, but are we doing enough to protect them?
assistance...for your bike
Your membership includes Bike Assist, whether you need a pick-up or a fix-up.

Anatomy of an E-bike
Put some pep in your pedal as you hit the road with an electric-assist bike.